Benefits of Cassava (Manihot esculenta) for health


  Cassava (Manihot esculenta) in the Muna language "mafusau".

Benefits of Cassava (Manihot esculenta) for health

Chemical content of cassava

  1. Calories
  2. Protein
  3. Fat
  4. Charcoal hydrate
  5. Calcium
  6. Phosphorus
  7. Iron
  8. Vitamin B1
  9. Vitamin C
  10. Tannins
  11. Peroxidase enzymes
  12. Glycosides
  13. Calcium oscalate

Get rid of stomach worms


  1. Cassava bark to taste
  2. 3 glasses of water

How to make and use recipes:

  1. All ingredients are boiled in three cups of water to boil down to 1 cup, then filtered to take the water.
  2. Drink at night before bed.

To cure festering wounds


  1. Bark
  2. Young cassava

How to make and use the recipe:

  1. Wash the ingredients, then mash until smooth. Apply to the wound for 3-4 hours.
  2. Repeat until the wound is dry.



  • 1 piece of cassava

How to make and use recipes:

  1. Wash and remove the outer skin. Grate and squeeze to take the water.
  2. Let it a few moments until it becomes flour.
  3. Apply it on the injured body part.


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